"La La's Full Court Life" aired last night on VH1. This is the fifth season of her reality series. La La is loving life and the great things that are happening in her world. As a wife to Carmelo Anthony , mother, and business woman La La is dedicated to her dreams and striving to be the best. On last night's episode La La expressed how much she loved being a mom and how her son Kiyan, whose now in the first grade is her best friend. She spoke to Angie Martinez of Hot 97 about her book "The Love Playbook : Rules for Love, Sex, and Happiness" which is available to purchase on the Barnes & Noble website (here) . La La is also very supportive to her husband Carmelo Anthony. She and her son Kiyan whom is super interested in playing ball just like his dad attended his basket-ball game. Carmelo Anthony's manager Bay advised La La to let Kiyan play ball because he has to start somewhere and the pressure for him to be really good would come when he's older. Although La La was preparing for a big meeting her friends Po ( whom recently got a record deal) , Charlamagne The God , Nikki, Bino, and Damien came over to chat and helped ease La La's mind. Who doesn't love good company and friends? La La's wants to take her clothing line Fifth and Mercer to new levels. She met with Fashion Guru Ms.Debbie Shuchat, fashion associate PJ Pierce , and designer Marie in hopes they'll back her clothing line. The meeting went well and La La said that with her new team "she want to learn not just take the quick route to the top". This new season of La La's Full Court Life is going to be full of excitement and big business . So tune in to her show Wednesdays at 10 PM on VH1 . The ball is in La La court now and she can't lose. Watch La La's "Full Court Life" Wednesdays At 10 PM EST . Follow @LALA On Twitter and #LaLaFullCourtLife .
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