Edith Wharton once said, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” The company PixMob has fully included and defied this action in a unique source of their own. PixMob has established a new way to infuse light, creativity, technology, social media and gigantic crowds of people. PixMob patented technology enables wireless control of light emitting PixMob products such as wristbands, balls, helicos, pendants, and beads. PixMob has transformed and connected normal crowds into an enormous collective mob of euphoric energy. PixMob has broken and united the barriers of separation of stage and audience. This company has now made you, the audience member, a highly important aspect of the show that you are attending. On September 19th and 20th in Washington D.C I was invited to Oprah Winfrey’s incredible “Life You Want Tour” by the Step Up organization. The sound of her voice saying, “We are in the stars” sent a powerful feeling throughout the Verizon Center as each PixMob wristband lit up when she spoke. I was immediately immersed and fascinated by the technology I was wearing. The wristbands illuminated with red, white, orange, purple, blue and even green lights throughout the building. The energy from the thousands of people wearing the PixMob wristband was not only beautiful to see but an exhilarating experience that is truly unforgettable. It was super interesting that people from all aspects of life including Oprah Winfrey, Iyanla Vanzant, Elizabeth Gilbert, Deepak Chopra, and Rob Bell were connected as one through light, time, and space. I absolutely loved being apart of the PixMob experience. I enjoyed it so much that I reached out to them for this exclusive interview. I appreciate Director of Marketing & Communications Laeitia Bedout for confirming this interview with Commercial Director Jean Olivier Dalphond. Check out the interview below and join in the PixMob galaxy. 1.) In your own words what is the meaning of PixMob? I love our tagline. Connect Crowds, Reinvent Rituals. That’s the essence of what we seek to do. Provide people a new kind of togetherness, euphoric and meaningful. You look around, everybody pulsate in sync with light. It’s nothing short of magical. 2.) Every innovation has a story. What is PixMob’s story? We’ve been at this since 2006. First as a design shop, creating custom interactive experience. Then as a technology innovator. Now we are creating light show. What’s next? Connecting crowds even more. 3.) Cirque de Soleil was PixMob’s first client, how memorable is that experience? They are the best client to work for. Driven by artistic direction, they push while supporting. None of us will ever forget that communal gasp when the LED ponchos light up. It was deep, almost animal. The light were hidden so people had no idea what would happen. 4.) As commercial director what are some effective marketing strategies you have learned throughout the years? Although we work with technologically advanced product, our most effective way to get to know the market is simply calling our prospective clients. We get to understand what their vision is. We don’t sell pens, we sell an experiences, so that’s the key. 5.) How did you become involved with PixMob? After my MBA, one of my fellow student got hired there and brought me on as an entry-level project manager. I was looking for a job, so going to an office was great. Then 6 weeks later I got the director job. Dream job. 6.) Describe your first experience using PixMob products? I was a little confused! It took me a minute to understand how it affected a crowd. You see, one unit is ok, but not magical. Then I went to Brazil for Lollapalooza and was among 65,000 people screaming to the bottom of their lungs when PixMob got light up for a Heineken. I was like, right. This is great. 7.)What effect does RFID technology have on PixMob products? It extends the magic. The light affects the senses, the spirit. The RFID speaks to the wish to connect inside of us, to share our story seamlessly to our friend, to social media. 8.)How important is the connection between social media and the PixMob experience? It provides a way to share such a special moment. It is not simple to figure out though. The moment is a climatic point, a sense of collective euphoria. To get that recorded needs the proper tool. We`re still figuring this one out. That’s ok, we like challenges. 9.)Do you have a favorite product? The PixMob Balls are our pixies of mayhem. Throw them in a crowd and you are destabilized, brought into a frenzy, overwhelmed with pulsating light. I like that. 10.) How are products pitched and developed? We listen to clients constantly. We build with three design principle, simplicity, comfort, magic. We are vertically integrated so we do it all in-house. It`s a lot of work, but ultimately gives us the flexibility we need to innovate. We’re in so deep that we know the name of the factory workers in China who assemble our product. I’m not kidding. 11.)What event would you love to see PixMob light up? Burning man! The entire crowd, pulsating with light, in the desert, visible from space. *How is PixMob challenging the present and how will it change the future?* PixMob is part of a paradigm shift where people no longer just watch a just like they watch TV. They become immersed in the show. Not with simply adding ‘more’. More lasers. More videos. More confettis. More base. No, they are becoming themselves the source of light, they can control their experience and ultimately share it with others. We’re all glued to monitors and screens. Let us be free to be together, to build a story to share. I think that’s where the future is going, away from digital experiences, towards an analog moment amplified digitally. For More On PixMob Visit www.pixmob.com and follow them on Twitter @PixMobOfficial
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June 2023